What is Vmplayer ?
Vmplayer or virtual machine is awe can platform where we can run other operating system . It allow us to use multi-operating system . Without affecting to our o/s we can easily run other o/s like Linux,window,Ubuntu etc in our PC . This is a powerful application which makes us to know about other operating system.
As example if you want to fell the performance or appearance of any other o/s but you don't want to affect your own O/s . What you can do at that movement ? Only one way to have that is to use virtual machine . For using virtual machine you have to download couple of things . at first off course itself vmplayer or oracle virtual box then you have to download the operating system which you want to run. The downloaded o/s must be in ISO format . Then you have to install vmplayer follow some of the instruction which you may find in Google or YouTube then enjoy.
3)Oracle Virtual box for Linux:CLICK HERE!!