Friday, December 12, 2014

Change laptop to wifi router

How to enable wifi hotspot of your laptop

Sharing the internet is the passion of the people . In case if you have laptop connected to lan and don't have wifi router. What you can do In this case ? Today i will say how you can enable wifi hotspot in you laptop. 

let's begin
  1. First of all Click Start, type CMD, right-click the Cmd.exe link and select "Run as Administrator".
  2. (netsh wlan show drivers) type this to cmd . It will show whether your laptop support wifi hotspot or not.
  3.  Now type the following command to create WiFi hotspot:
    netsh wlan set hostednetwork mode=allow ssid=Name key=8CharacterKey 
  4. place "Name" with the name you'd like to use for your custom network, and "8CharacterKey" with a password that's like to keep.
  5. Start Wi-Fi hotspot by this cmd:
    netsh wlan start hostednetwork 
  6. Then type:- netsh wlan show hostednetwork
  7. Now click Control Panel -- Network and Internet -- Network and Sharing Center
  8. Go to your network connection:click on it

  1. Goto properties  Click on sharing 

  2. Check on( allow other network user to connect through this computer network)
  3. And down option change to( local area connection*4 like this)
  4. click on ok and enjoy

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